Friday, September 15, 2006

The Chronicle: Daily News Blog

The Chronicle: Daily News Blog: "Stanford U. Cracks Down on Delinquent Band

Stanford University has put its marching band on “indefinite provisional status” and placed it under the direct supervision of an associate dean, in response to band members’ role in trashing a practice center over the summer. According to a statement released by the university, band members did as much as $50,000 worth of damage to the Band Shak, a temporary structure used while a permanent practice facility was built.
The band, which has a tradition of shunning marching formations and preferring off-beat presentations, made an unparalleled performance in July at the Band Shak. As the university statement put it, “The vandalism included using a sledgehammer to create extensive damage to the walls. Windows were broken, equipment was destroyed, much of the ceiling was torn down, and the walls were spray-painted and covered with food.” Not what you’d expect in a half-time show.
A criminal inquiry is in progress, and the university cited the band’s “history of misconduct” in imposing the penalties. Among other things, the band will be barred from performing for at least a month, and will be forbidden to travel for a year.Stanford U. Cracks Down on Delinquent Band
Stanford University has put its marching band on “indefinite provisional status” and placed it under the direct supervision of an associate dean, in response to band members’ role in trashing a practice center over the summer. According to a statement released by the university, band members did as much as $50,000 worth of damage to the Band Shak, a temporary structure used while a permanent practice facility was built.
The band, which has a tradition of shunning marching formations and preferring off-beat presentations, made an unpara"

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