Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Person of the Year...Loser of the Year

Talk about success stories....i have two nominations for "Person of the Year"...first, the leading lady among corporate czarettes...crashed and burned Lucent Tech and was fired...then crashed and burned Hewlett Packard and was fired...yes, that lady of style and grace whom Dubya will nominate for the top job at the World Bank....drums please...Carly Fiorina !!

Ok...our next contestant needs no introduction...why ? Because i know more about her stocks than i know about my own...the queen of bedroom patterns..that wizard of kitchen tricks...the heir apparent to Bob Villa’s handy-dandiness around the crib...ladies and gentlemen, i give you Martha Stewart !!
Honestly, i don’t think a guy out there stands a chance of topping either of these ladies...

Now...for the top candidates for LOSER OF THE introductions...just the list please...Jacko....Kobe...Barry...Chaney...Artest...Jose...and the perennial nominee...O.J.
Notice a trend beside two syllables ??
Rack Me....I Am Out...


MeloGold said...

Could it be because they're BLACK!!!!!

Cool Will Gee said...

Well Done My Mellow !!